Tuesday 25 June 2013


Once upon a time lived a girl called Suzie in grade nine, fed up of school and wanting to get out in the big wide world. One day there was a new boy who arrived at school ........... And school seemed brighter.

It was almost the end of the year so we didn't have much time to get to know each other. It was summer holidays before we knew and we wouldn't see each other for weeks.

As school returned we hit it off like fireworks, spending every day together. The last year of school went so fast, with school footy trips, picnics and balls, we shared all these memories together. We both got jobs and started working straight away, but still kept our relationship together with lots of happy memories. Three years later, on the day before Christmas, Tim asked me to marry him on the beach. Of course I said yes. We had already planned a holiday to Europe so the wedding got set into the future. This year we bought our first house together. We are so happy of what we have achieved all on our own and are as happy as can be. We have FINALLY set a date for next year.

Although we are still young, we plan to pay for our own wedding, so this would help us so much as this story continues to make more happy ever afters.

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